вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

blastocystis homini and flagyl

So Iapos;ve been meaning to post about this for a while but fuck you for judging me. Anyway A few months (I think it was a few months, I have no concept of time) ago I read a story about teachers in Texas being armed. Naturally the reason for this being in case of shootings. This is quite possibly the worst idea any school system has ever proposed. EVER. For starters our police arenapos;t even trained well enough in the use of deadly force, hell, even with Tasers there are tons of instances of police misusing/overusing them (Donapos;t get me wrong, I advocate the use of Tasers I just wish they were trained more thoroughly). But the advocates of teachers with firearms in the classroom can not honestly tell me that it would make things better. A child pulls our a firearm and starts shooting. Chaos ensues. You have children and faculty running around screaming. Now add more guns to the mix in the hands of minimally trained, already excited SCHOOLTEACHERS. So now you have children shooting children and teachers and youapos;re just going to add more guns to the mix? Now you have victims of friendly fire. Then you have to wonder what that would do to a teacher. How would they feel knowing that they shot and killed someone? Would they snap later on? Would they become suicidal? Anyway, itapos;s a bad idea.

Which leads me to my next thought. Ban guns. Itapos;s an easy solution with several very difficult steps. So many that I donapos;t know that it would work here without a massacre of some kind. This kind of overhaul wouldnapos;t be overnight but I think it would drastically cut down on the gun violence in the country.

Iapos;ve heard the argument that we would just be taking the guns away from "law abiding citizens". That isnapos;t true either. Weapos;d be taking them from everyone. You ban guns then the manufacturers couldnapos;t make them, therefore the supply would go down along with the ability to rob a store for guns and bullets. Bottom line is that if there are no guns made, there are no guns to steal.

Another argument was that we would have no way to defend our homes in case of invasion. Thatapos;s absurd. If we were invaded your nine millimeter is going to do absolutely nothing but piss off the invaders.

Iapos;ve been asked what data I have to support the claims that banning guns would cut violence. The answer is simple. Just look at the date from any country that has banned them. The gun violence has dropped drastically in spite of massive population increases from both childbirth and immigration. To me that speaks volumes.

Anyway, Iapos;m tired. Goodnight.
blastocystis homini and flagyl, blastocystis hominis, blastocystis hominis cure, blastocystis hominis cyst.

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