суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

allowance disability mobility

I have this overwhelming urge to watch the very best thing i can think of.

the urge got short-circuited in much the way you might picture a short-circuit happening, with many sparks things that look like lightning bolts arcing around crossing from one point to another perhaps explosions then more sparks blinking lights, smoke, confusion, that moment when youapos;re stunned from all the explosions you could swear that that chicken really DID walk across the street, explaining on its way where why it was going. all that.

so, naturally, i took pause.

nothing would suit.

i didnapos;t write any of it. So i didnapos;t want any of it. So i donapos;t know what to do.

ordinarily, iapos;d ask, isnapos;t that egotistical of me or am i not making a lot more of me that i ought to-?

but not tonight.

i donapos;t like it. They arenapos;t doing a very good job. I could do better. A lot better.

i shall.

i wonapos;t apologize for this. I am sick of apologies. Iapos;m angry about it. Iapos;m pissed off about it.

iapos;m allowed to be.

five nights
no sleep
my mindapos;s battered
stock market freefall
my dreams shattered
lost cause
pulled up a sure winner
made a few bob in my new job
a serial killer

--- Timmy

so it is okay that iapos;m angry about it, in spite of the ego-self ramifications.

complicated day.

i am very disappointed in it. Not for any real reason, as you can see. Just another little calling card along the line of youapos;d better stand up do something before that fire youapos;re sitting on burns your ass.

iapos;ve read things tonight from people who really believe they can tell the future, from empaths who claim the power of precognition - who will go to great lengths to defend that.

i am here to tell you that thereapos;s no such thing, no one can see the future, that i am very angry because there are people who are doing their very best to pretend to be funny on national television when i could do so much better that i have no idea what tomorrow brings but that those two ideas put together in my mind make me very, very angry.

i am insensible.

for this, i apologize.

either way, i think i still gotta get this fire off my ass.

good idea-? yes-?

if you think i am a platypus today, email me, i will write you a one-hundred-thousand word reply explaining why iapos;m not. Which is to say, clearly i am not a platypus today.

even still - iapos;ve not done enough. This is what tomorrow is for.

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